Saturday, May 3 was the Indianapolis Mini Marathon. I and several other friends ran this race. It was a great morning for it as the temperatures were in the 50's and it was overcast much of the race. The last 3 miles or so the sun came up and was in our eyes which made it a little more difficult, but overall no complaints! I ran my personal best this year at 1:33:13. My average pace per mile was 7:07 and I finished #785 out of 30,067 finishers. Ben Hess did an excellent job with his personal best at 1:49:22. Kristen Schlegel and Joy Hess ran the 5k while we were doing the 13.1 mini. They did a great job also! Here you can look up the
official results.

Kristen and I before the race.
(Photo by: Ben Hess)

Ben and I before the race.
(Photo by: Joy Hess)

Ben and Joy, Kristen and I before the race.

This officer was posing for pictures.
(Photo by: Kristen Schlegel)

Let the race begin!!!
(Photo by: Joy Hess)

Kristen Schlegel, Joy Hess, and Becky Flink before the 5k race.

Phillip Dewing, Andy Flink, and I after the race. We're still standing and smiling!!!
(Photo by: Joy Hess)

Ben and Joy, Kristen and I after the race.

Ben Hess, Andy Flink, and I.
(Photo by: Kristen Schlegel)

Kristen and I after the race.
(Photo by: Joy Hess)